
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)


Could Your Child Benefit from ABA?

Have you noticed challenges in your child’s behavior, emotional well being, or being delayed in reaching development milestones? ABA may be an effective solution for your family. ABA can help your child develop better social skills, manage learning readiness skills, and improve behavior in a supportive and structured way.

 At Riverbend Pediatric Therapy we specialize in a team approach offering comprehensive services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. With over 20 years of experience, our team of BCBAs; in collaboration with other disciplines, is committed to helping all children in our care enhance their social skills, communication abilities, and overall learning while decreasing behavior challenges. ABA is an evidence-based therapy that focuses on improving behaviors and enabling children with Autism Spectrum Disorder to navigate their daily lives more effectively and confidently. 

Our BCBAs will create a personalized treatment plan involving specific behaviors such as: 

  • Social Skills / Interactions
  • Communication
  • Adaptive Learning Skills
  • Learning Readiness Skills
  • Behavioral Challenges
  • Motor Skills

At the core of our therapy is the principle that positive reinforcement can lead to changes in behavior, enhancing the learning and growth of your child.

Each child with ASD is unique, and so are their needs. That’s why our therapy is highly personalized. Our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), physical (PTs), occupational (OTs), and speech therapists (STs) work closely with each family to create tailored therapy programs. These programs are designed to address your child’s individual challenges and strengths, promoting their ability to navigate social interactions, master daily living skills, and engage meaningfully with their environment.

Our ABA therapy goes beyond just behavioral improvements. We aim to build a strong foundation for lifelong learning and adaptation, empowering children with ASD to reach their full potential. We integrate various techniques, including discrete trials, pivotal response, and natural environment training, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your child’s development.

At Riverbend Pediatric Therapy, our pediatric specialists are not just providing therapy but building brighter futures, one child at a time. Join us in this journey to unlock your child’s full potential, helping them to thrive in every aspect of their life.

Request an appointment today and learn more about our pediatric occupational therapy programs!

What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?

ABA is a scientific approach to understanding behavior. ABA is rooted in the belief that behaviors are learned and can be modified through their interactions with the environment. The primary goal of ABA is to improve behaviors, such as communication, social skills, adaptive living skills, learning readiness skills, and motor skills; as well as to reduce behaviors that are harmful or interrupt learning. 

The process of ABA involves several key components:

  • Individual Assessment: ABA begins with a detailed assessment of an individual’s behavior by observing your child in various settings and identifying specific behavioral challenges and skills to be developed.
  • Goal Setting: Based on the assessment, goals are tailored to the child’s needs and can cover a range of areas.
  • Intervention Strategies: ABA uses a variety of techniques to and strategies for intervention, including Discrete Trial Training (DTT). DTT involves breaking down skills into small, manageable parts and teaching each part step by step through repetition and positive reinforcement.
  • Positive Reinforcement: A key principle in ABA is using positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. When the individual demonstrates a target behavior, they receive a reward, ranging from verbal praise to tangible items or activities they enjoy.
  • Data-Driven Approach: Our therapists continually collect and analyze data to guide ongoing adjustments to the therapy approach, ensuring it remains effective and aligned with the individual’s needs.
  • Generalization and Maintenance: Skills and behaviors learned during ABA sessions are generalized to various settings and maintained over time.
  • Family Involvement: Family and caregiver involvement is a critical component of ABA. Training and support for families ensure that ABA strategies are consistently applied across different environments, enhancing the effectiveness of the therapy.

Over time, reinforcement encourages positive behavioral changes. Our BCBAs and RBTs at Riverbend Pediatric Therapy are skilled at finding methods to impact your child’s development and promote positive behavioral changes! 

Call to request an appointment with one of our occupational therapists today!

What Happens in an ABA Therapy?

At Riverbend Pediatric Therapy, we understand that every child with Autism brings a unique set of abilities and challenges. ABA therapy at our clinic is a comprehensive and dynamic process. Each child’s journey begins with a thorough assessment by our BCBAs. This initial evaluation is critical in developing specific, measurable, and personalized goals. Whether enhancing communication skills, fostering better social interactions, or improving behavior challenges, our therapy is tailored to each child’s unique situation. 

Our Approach to ABA therapy is comprehensive and collaborative. Our BCBAs work closely with our PTs, OTs, and SLPs to create a treatment plan that encompasses goals across disciplines. 

ABA includes: 

  • Techniques such as Discrete Trial Training (DTT) are employed to break down complex skills into smaller, manageable steps, ensuring gradual and consistent learning.
  • A cornerstone of our therapy is the use of positive reinforcement. We encourage and reinforce desirable behaviors and skills by identifying what motivates each child, be it praise, a favorite toy, or a preferred activity.
  • Data-driven decisions are vital in our approach. Registered Behavior Technicians meticulously record the child’s progress throughout each session. BCBAs then use this data to adapt and refine the therapy plan. This ongoing analysis ensures that our methods are always aligned with the child’s evolving needs.
  • Recognizing the pivotal role of families, we actively involve parents and caregivers in the therapy process. This collaboration extends the benefits of ABA therapy beyond the clinic into the child’s everyday environment.
  • Our ABA therapy also includes functional communication training (FCT) for children with difficulty effectively communicating across environments. For children exhibiting specific behavioral challenges, our behavioral intervention strategies are aimed at understanding and modifying such behaviors.

At Riverbend Pediatric Therapy, we believe every child deserves to reach their full potential!

riverbend pediatric physical, speech and behavior therapy covington la

Help Your Child Be Their Best!

Riverbend Pediatric Therapy Center Is Your Top Choice For ABA Therapy, Physical, Occupational, Speech, And Behavior Services In The Covington, LA Area

Ensure your child receives a comprehensive care plan so they can thrive!